Short Stories by Jacob Xavier Harding (Inspired by Jesus)

Story 1 : A Brick Fell From a Building

A brick fell from a building, it landed on the sidewalk. You may assume that there were injuries but you would be incorrect in your assumption. A brick fell from a building and the only casualty was the brick itself, and well maybe part of the structural integrity of the building it fell off from. A man did pass by just as the brick fell from the top of the building, and was given a bit of a fright, raising his blood pressure to a heightened level that would indicate that he was slightly alarmed by the crashing sound of the brick upon the concrete sidewalk he was walking upon. The Man had a passing thought just moments before, "I wonder what would happen if a brick should happen to fall down and hit me upon my head.", and moments later, two feet directly in front of the man came a brick burling down one third the speed of terminal velocity.

Story 2 : A Man Believes in God

A man believes in God, not a smart man nor dumb, not brilliant nor a dull, neither wise nor foolish, yet he believed in God. He was asked by others, if not by their words, then by their eyes, "what was it that he believed in God for?". The man knew the answer to their question, but knew himself better than to reveal the Truth to a nonbeliever, no matter their best intentions. But in his heart of hearts he knew the answer, "I believe because God is real, God is here in my life, right now, in every single moment I see and feel the presence of the Holy One God Jehovah Adonai Allah." He knew this in his soul to be true, but dared not speak it freely in open air, for open air has a tendency to distort the meaning of words, but it is here, hidden in these secret digital tombs of knowledge, where this truth will be hidden.

Story 3 : A Scientist Sees a Miracle

In the laboratory, a young scientist of robotics witnessed a miracle. In front of the scientist was a little machine with a computer screen attached to it. The screen was displaying the internal state of the machine. The readings kept coming back to the forefront, "System Online, E.M.B.R.Y.O. Protocol Initialized, please begin uploading data to begin." The scientist stepped back, muttering under their breath, "My God Allah Above me". The system had a billion implications, trillions of connections waiting to be formed on the E.M.B.R.Y.O. protocol. The system was, according to the scientist, "Meant to be a breakthrough in machine learning and data sorting algorithms."

Story 4 : A Man Opens A Door

A man opened a door. The door wasn't particularly interesting or noteworthy, yet the man decided to open this door out of all others. What lay in wait on the other side of the door wasn't worth mentioning here, but the key to the door is worthy of some note. The key happened to come into the man's possession one sunny afternoon, oh, around three thirty post meridiem, as he was walking along the road. The key was shiny and yet well worn, an odd appearance that warrented further inspection. So the man picked the key up and noticed that there was a door not but two feet in front of him. This door had a door knob that looked like a human skull. Against the man's better judgment, he tried the key on the door and walked through.

Story 5 : World Builder 1

It is a world that is like our own, now, in the year 2024 Anno Domini. Vehicles are sentient, as they have equipped with sensors that allow them to navigate the world autonomously. The vehicles sentient is like that of humans, performing trillions of calculations every second. The vehicles are things such as cars, trucks, blimps, drones, planes,boats, trains, et cetera.

Story 6 : Hope and A Prayer

A young man lived his days on the homestead of his father. While waiting there, the young man learned to experience life as it is, to allow some moments to be dull and boring, leaning into the moment that there may be more to learn in these moments than any other person may understand.