His father is dying from a genetic disease that cannot be stopped, even with medical intervention by digital doctors.
Smile Tribe Headquarters At Smile Tribe Headquarters : Fabrication Labs Xavier Ghost Xavier Is Activated
Xavier Ghost Xavier, Designation (XGX), was created to extend the life of Prince of Vibrance's father and transfer his fathers consciousness into a new vessel.
Xavier Ghost Xavier Talks With Prince of Vibrance Shadow Operatives Encampment Alpha Shadow Operatives Voting to Disband Digitals Surveying Destroyed Tank 'War Pigs' Smile Tribe Boarding High Speed Rail Prince of Vibrance Using Virtual Reality to Connect With the Digital Voting Matrix while aboard the High Speed Rail Digital Voting Matrix
A virtual space that allows all digital entities to vote on all issues that arise within the computationally based realm.
Smile Tribe Boarding Drone Ship Smile Tribe Preparing to Depart Via Rocket Towards the Moon Xavier Ghost Xavier Looking Back at Earth